
Black History Month Catalogue

Black History Month Catalogue

For February I'll be adding the material on my site, as well as material not yet on at this link:

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Bibliography week showcase

Bibliography week showcase

I will be exhibiting next week at the bibliography week showcase! If you are in NYC please visit!   I'm compiling an online catalogue of new items I will be bringing, and others on the site will also be on view. If there is anything you'd like to see there, let me know!

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Showroom opening Sept 14th!

Showroom opening Sept 14th!

I'm very excited, after 10 yrs of doing fairs only in terms of displaying my wares, to have a boutique showroom with scant published hours. I encourage you if the posted hours aren't convenient, to arrange a visit at other times, as I'm typically here working anyhow and I love to share these things. There is no substitute for seeing the material irl and I have much more on hand than the website has listed. If you're not familiar with Gardiner, it's a lovely small town just south of New Paltz, and there is a library, park, and fine eating...

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